Posts tagged #life
AfroPunk Festival Brooklyn 2019

AfroPunk Festival


It’s no Surprise that this years AfroPunk Festival 2019 in brooklyn would be one to remember. Not only was Jill Scott the headliner but people from all over the world came and boy were our brown skin men and women presence everything and more. The phenomenal took place this year at Commodore Barry Park in Brooklyn, NY.


Afro: as in, born of African spirit and heritage; see also black (not always), see also rhythm and color, see also other, see also underdog.

Punk: as in, rebel, opposing the simple route, imbued with a DIY ethic, looking forward with simplicity, rawness and open curiosity; see also other, see also underdog.

AFROPUNK is defining culture by the collective creative actions of the individual and the group. It is a safe place, a blank space to freak out in, to construct a new reality, to live your life as you see fit, while making sense of the world around you.”

AfroPunk is defining culture in so many ways that talking about it does no justice you would’ve had to actually witness such beauty that surrounded me. Jill Scott literally serenaded the crowd with hit songs A long walk, So in love, Golden, Hate on me, The way, He loves me, Brotha and a band that jammed the entire night.

There Are No Rules To Success
Beyonce Performing at Coachella. Making history as the first Black female artist to headline the festival.

Beyonce Performing at Coachella. Making history as the first Black female artist to headline the festival.

There was a time when society deemed having a two parent household decided who you are, being low middle and high class factor every bit of success you would claim, that your sexuality determined your masculinity, being black already stamped you as ghetto, unfit, uneducated and the inability to rise about the standards of what the white man placed before mankind. The stress of the standard of who we should be, how we should be and how we built walls beyond what Donald Trump could depict in our own perceptions of life. A very good friend of mine told me that “THERE ARE NO RULES TO SUCCESS BUT DON’T STOP” and with those wise words I couldn’t help but think about it, so much that I find myself typing these very words to encourage someone else along their journey in this thing we call life. for the past five years I’ve had those ” what if’s” in my life. I know I’ve had my fair share with Love, Friendships, Careers, Family you name it. I found myself contemplating over the thoughts of everyone else, the me caring so much, investing as well as sacrificing to still be stuck in limbo. Afraid to hold on, afraid to let go, too scared to venture into the unknown. I conditioned myself to be comfortable with possibility but placed rules in front of me.

Beyonce didn’t let the fall of Destinys Child, her father and the peoples opinions stop her from being a survivor, Barack Obama didn’t allow the ignorance of this country stop him from not only running for Presidency but winning. He didn’t even let a million turn downs from our forever FLOTUS Michelle discourage him from shooting his shot. Chris Gardner didn’t allow the struggle and competitor stop his Pursuit of Happiness. So what is Success? What does it even look like? Everyday I find myself growing in ways I couldn’t see fit for me. I’m not perfect, I make mistakes, I struggle, hurt some feelings and even cry. The one thing I’ve always found myself doing is making the next day better than yesterday, being vibrant, transparent, understanding, spreading love and positive energy no matter where I am or may go. Not because I feel like everyone is telling me to but because that’s what makes Markell happy. This journey of self discovery is worth the daggers being thrown my way but the impact that motivate and inspires the ones near or far is far beyond anything I could’ve prayed for and I thank God for that. Oh those opinions and made up rules from someone who finally gets a position of power to tell you no is fuel to keep building and growing within who you are. So don’t stop being a work of art, turn those a thousand no’s into yes I can, yes I will because THERE ARE NO RULES TO SUCCESS. Go for everything you want in life. Be sure to comment below your thoughts and experiences when it comes to limitations and rules that measures our success. Hashtag #markellcreativeLN

The 44th President of the USA Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama

The 44th President of the USA Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama

Chris Gardner and Will Smith The Pursuit of Happiness

Chris Gardner and Will Smith The Pursuit of Happiness

Self Care

Photographer: @MyeshaEvon

Self Care sometimes can be a complicated thing when you’re young, in a new city with no family and being a creative. You learn that being a kid and teen was sort of a safe space for you but you want to dive straight into adulthood. For me I struggle with this subject because I dedicate so much time working trying to afford to live in NYC. Everything could all be so simple if I would’ve stayed in Cleveland, OH or maybe even dear old Frankfort, KY. I didn't see my future and the goalsI I set for myself as any of those cities. Don’t get me wrong I love where I was born and raised in Cleveland and all the values my mother taught me in life and even the values and traditions I learned in at Kentucky State University. I think at the age of 29 I’m starting to value my time and the process of giving Markell what he deserves.

Self Care is something I think that we all should invest in. Your time, mind, body and soul all connects with the time you give yourself. Some key things I find that gives me peace of mind are.

  1. Time to myself

  2. Walks in the park

  3. Coloring

  4. Working Out

  5. Listening to Music

  6. Meditating

  7. Reading

  8. Cooking

  9. Having a glass of wine

  10. Getting your hair, Nail and feet done

These are a few of the things that I do to keep me lifted up. I also started living in my purpose rather than saying what if, I can’t, and simply doubting myself just like with this website. I doubted if I was good enough but with the right mind and remaining positive it’ll change a lot of things for you and you’ll look damn good. Of course this is just me but I would love to know everyone’s thoughts and routines they follow for a more confident, beautiful and vibrant self care you. So please give me your thoughts in the comments and remember to #MarkellCreativeLN On all social media outlets on this topic.

Hopes and aspirations

I really didn’t know where to begin on this subject. If I should make this about me but this is bigger than me so I’m making this a open space to tell me your Hopes, Aspirations and Expectations in…

  1. Love

  2. Life

  3. Friendships

  4. Family

  5. Career

  6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years

    Give me your thoughts on this and comment below. Be sure to use #MarkellCreativeLN (Latest News) on all social media outlets!
