Posts tagged #family
American Son

Imagine finding yourself at a police station pacing back and forth trying to figure out where your missing son is. Netflix taps into the heartfelt and powerful Broadway Play writing by Christopher Demos Brown starring Kerry Washington as Kendra who waits for the arrival of her ex husband Scott played by Steven Pasquale. As Kendra waits she’s faced with racial profiling not only towards her son but to her as well.


The storyline of this Netflix movie is confined behind the walls of a police station 3am in the midst of a thunderstorm as Kendra a concern mother for her bi-racial son Jamal ask a rookie officer a load of questions of his whereabouts. The rookie cops seems to not be concerned because with a black woman standing in front of him at 3am raising questions for her child gave him the notion that he’s a thug, 6’2, cornrows and all the misconceptions of a young black male in America today. That setting alone already starts out dark and suspenseful. 15 minutes in and you’ll find your heart racing with fear but in the back of your mind that some type of hope will prevail as you continue to watch.

I want to give my honest opinion on this movie with every emotion in my body because movies such as this hits hard for a Black man like myself. Everyday of my life no matter how well I speak, dress or carry myself, society doesn’t see anything but the color of my skin. The very skin thats ugly, the curls, twist, locs and weaves they said was ghetto, the Markell’s, Jamals, Shannequa’s and Chantel’s they said wasn’t acceptable in the real world. Or maybe that we aren’t smart enough to graduate high school because graduating in the streets was certified made and that college isn’t for everyone so take that minimum wage and that beautiful brown baby boy and girl you carry is a burden so get in the system that provides food stamps, housing and all of the government assistant that’ll keep you uncomfortably comfortable that you forget about purpose. The one thing we can never deny is the love mother has for her child. Kerry Washington was phenomenal, every actor in this film was extraordinary. This film brought tears to my eyes because everyday this is my reality.


When you’re ready please head over to Netflix and prepare yourself for this heartfelt story that is American Son.

Hopes and aspirations

I really didn’t know where to begin on this subject. If I should make this about me but this is bigger than me so I’m making this a open space to tell me your Hopes, Aspirations and Expectations in…

  1. Love

  2. Life

  3. Friendships

  4. Family

  5. Career

  6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years

    Give me your thoughts on this and comment below. Be sure to use #MarkellCreativeLN (Latest News) on all social media outlets!
