Hey there, I’m Markell Goode. I’m an creative/Stylist working and living in New York City.


I believe that there is purpose in each and everything that we do in life. I could go on and on about Markell Goode from past to present but how can one go on about themself when the chapters in their book is continuously being written, scratched out, erased, crumbled and threw away to perfect and un-existing perfection we all seek to reach. I guess for me obtaining my truth is a discovery of a lifetime, so allow me to bring you into the lens of my eyes, good, bad and everything the world chooses not to speak about all confined within these pages.

3 Dekemvríou 1989 (December 3, 1989)

3:15a.m in Cleveland, OH was my first breath in the arms of my mother Darlene Goode with my sister Nikkyta on the side and the beginning of my journey. Who would’ve thought it would’ve took me 29 years of my life to gain the courage to say this is my website that tells all tales and give insight on Fashion, Politics, Lifestyle, Love, Gossip, Food you name it. I mean people do it all the time so why not this kid from little old Cleveland. I’m pretty educated with a B.A in Journalism and a Masters in Public Relations so my apologies if i write as if this is a 10 page paper. I’m just a dreamer that writes outs his thoughts, mastered the art of selfies and always oh so creative. I hope I didn’t bore you all with the about me. This is more than about me… I may hurt a few along the road, get criticized, have a few disagreements but it'll be nothing but love. I AM MARKELL…


The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.

- Markell Goode


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Much love,